Send an enquiry and get the ACTUAL translation price! Do not fall into the trap of offered ‘STARTING FROM’ prices!
Translation price is established taking into account of a number of factors:
Price can be calculated quickly and precisely if you attach a .doc document to your enquiry. If you send a document in any other format (.jpg, .png, .pdf, etc.) for pricing, we will have to convert the file first before being able to calculate the characters precisely. Therefore, our reply can take a bit longer.
Send your enquiry now and we will reply promptly.
Interpretation price is calculated taking into account the following:
– Number of hours (minimum duration of an order is 1 hour)
To ensure a smooth interpretation process, order our interpretation service as early as possible. You will always be requested to provide the topic and materials for interpretation to an interpreter to prepare and get familiar with specific terms.
Send your enquiry now and we will reply promptly.
Electronic website translation price is determined according to your provided text. Electronic websites always contain pages that are ‘invisible’ to external users, such as confirmation receipt upon order, registration of email address, etc. Therefore, it would be best if the text from your website were copied by your IT specialist. We can also offer an IT specialist for copying your website text. Send your website address and our specialist will assess your website copying possibilities and price.
Send your enquiry now and we will reply promptly.
We will respond within 1 hour of working time